Hello sweet blogger friends. Sorry things have been somewhat crazy lately. The hubby and I are buying a house ( the most stressful thing I think I have ever done).So we have been living out of boxes ( my
ocd is going nuts!) I hate it! But I am thankful that we have found such a beautiful home. I am so excited. Our projected closing date is scheduled for May 20
th. We are hoping to close before then. So I am sure once we are in I will need you lovely ladies to help me decorate!
Thank you for all sticking around and staying loyal. You are all jewels!
Also, May 7
th is another big day for the hubby and I. I have just gone through the 3rd round of
Clomid. I am hoping this is the one. I am trying so hard to be patient, but I am getting tired. I am not losing hope though. I am keeping my head up and I am staying strong.
I hope all you lovely ladies had a wonderful weekend! I am back for good or
at least until we move, but I still won't be gone long =)
Love, B