Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Award

My sweet friend Misty over at Southern Belle Mamma (http://musingsofasouthernbellemama.blogspot.com/)
gave me this sweet award. I am very grateful that she chose to
pass this along to me.

Thank You Misty!!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Tomorrow Is Another Try..

I am a little nervous about tomorrow. I think it's actually more than nervous, its scared, hopeful, anxious and doubtful. Tomorrow is Day 3 of my cycle and that means that I will be starting the Clomid, yet again. I am not sure if any of you know, but that is some horrible stuff, ok?
It's bad when the Pharmacist says, "Ins't it a shame you have to pay for stuff that makes you feel bad? You would think they would make it to where it made you feel good."
I am hoping that I am not Mrs.Crabbypants, because it makes me feel sorry for the hubby.

I am going to try not to be so nervous tonight and get a little sleep. Yesterday was bad... really bad. It's been a really bad cycle, so maybe something good will come from it. I am just trying to stay positive and think happy thoughts, that has to count for something right?

Thank you all for your sweet emails, text and comments- It means the world!



I absolutely loved NYC! A place with so much energy. I have photo's to share later, we're in the middle of moving so locating the camera cord is a problem. On my little vacay in NYC I met up with one of the first bloggers that I followed. I'm sure you all know her she is Summer at B is for Brown, Breathe and Believe. I just love her. She has been such an inspiration to me and been such a wonderful friend. As you can see we had to celebrate right....with a stache!

Summer, Your a doll! I loved hanging out with you and dinner was great. I wish we could have hung out a little longer, but don't you worry I will definitely be coming back to see you! Oh, and I loved Oliver and Mr.Tabasco they were too cute. The apartment is so you and your unique touch will make it shine! Thank you for my coffee mug and stationary! I LOVE it!!

Love, B

Monday, March 15, 2010


I have been so very excited about this giveaway since I read it. I kept my daily entries and posting it to side bar, just hoping it would pay off...and it did!! I was so glad to win this very special giveaway from a very special lady! Thank you Rasha!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Special Friend...

This is a post about a very special girl. If you aren't sure of who she is, her name is Rasha and has become one of my very best friends. She is fun, caring, kind, creative and is a total jewel. I don't think one day has passed that she and I haven't spoken. She has been so very sweet to me, has been there when times were rough. If you aren't following her blog you should check it out at http://missrashamarie.blogspot.com/ .

You know a true friend when you can talk for hours about nonsense and we do. She has been there to offer smiles, friendship and words of encouragement and for that I am glad to call her one of my very best friends.

Rasha, Thank you sweet girl! You are such an inspiration and such a great friend. Thank you for the smiles and laughter, you'll never know just how much our friendship means to me!

Love, b

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank You!

A special thank you to all of you who commented and emailed me about my last post. I love you all and thank you for reassurance and knowing your all there for me means a lot.

I love snail mail and I also love to send snail mail. So if you would like to send me your address I would love to send you something! =) You can email it to me at bretharpe@gmail.com.

I went to my thyroid doctor today. Well just what I thought. My thyroid level was too low so now they changed up my medication just a little. So I am to see her again in 2 mths. I go tomorrow morning to have my progesterone level drawn. I am sure I won't know anything until Monday, since I won't be seeing the doctor.

So I am planning a good weekend. We're going to the park, getting a new digital camera and relaxing. Hope all of you have a good weekend!

PS-I <3 you all!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's Really Been Going On..

Ok, I have started and stopped this post like 3 times. I haven't been completely open, only because I didn't know if I should put it all into one blog. I have decided that one blog is enough. I feel that if people want to be friends and follow my blog they should know what's going on in my life. That was the purpose of the blog , to express myself and also a way for me to vent. I have met some really special people here in the blogging world who mean so very much to me. I get emails, text messages and sweet little letters from a few of my blogger friends and I have truly enjoyed it.

So I am going to share a little piece of my life with you all. If you don't want to read that's fine. If you do not have the time to read that is fine too, but I feel like my blog is therapy and its a relief for me so I am going to share.

The hubby and I have been together for almost 6 years and have been married for 2 years. A year and half ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (Hashimoto's disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland. The resulting inflammation often leads to an under active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). I will now take a pill every morning for the rest of my life to replace the hormones that my thyroid doesn't produce. I have never been the one to have to take medications, so it was a very hard thing for me to accept. I am fine with it now. It doesn't cause me any pain, just some annoying problems. This issue causes infertility. So for 2 years now we have tried on our own with no luck. So we decided to start fertility medications. It's not been fun, not at all. I never knew that trying to have a baby could be so hard? I started the Clomid again this month and have an empty feeling. I don't feel pregnant, although what does it feel like to be pregnant? This medicine has been hell. I am not sure of any other way to put it. I am so surprised that my sweet husband has not had divorce papers stuck on the refrigerator waiting for me when I get home. The mood swings are BAD, I am nauseated 24/7 and I feel like my hips have been crushed. I am not asking for sympathy. I am just being real.

I am trying to be optimistic, but that is so very hard to do when you feel bad. I get up and just pray that I will make it through the day so I can come home and just lay down. I sit here and think I am just in the beginning of all of this. I have seen what women like Summer at B is for Brown have gone through and I am amazed. She has been such a trooper. She has been an inspiration to me, told me what to expect and has given me hope when I know that sometimes she has lost it. I just pray each night that God with give me the strength to go through this. I would say I am a pretty strong person and I am the one you always see with a smile on my face, but lately that smile hasn't been there. I don't say much about "possibly" being pregnant around the hubby, only because I do not want him to get his hopes up. I do not know how he has managed to deal with me and the lovely hormones, but he deserves an award. Its bad when you can't stand to be around yourself, much less him having to put up with it...

I go to see my Endocrinologist ( Thyroid MD) on Friday and Saturday morning I go to my Ob/Gyn and have my levels drawn to see if I ovulated this month on the fertility drug. If in fact I did ,I am told that between 10-14 days I can test to see if I am pregnant. I am going to take it one day at a time. So if I miss a day or two posting you'll understand.

Thank you all for the sweet cards, text and emails it means so very much to me! I love you all!



I just want to start of by saying I am sorry that I haven't posted the winners of the Lip Balm giveaway. I need to be punished. I was supposed to post the winners this weekend and with all thats been going on (I will make another post to discuss it (that sounds serious)). Thank you to all my sweet girls that entered!!

1. Rasha at "And this is what she said"

2.Misty at "Southern Belle Momma"

3.Ra at "Momma Ra"

Just email me (bretharpe@gmail.com) your address and I will be shipping them later this week. Congrats!!
