Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am still in total shock. I had my progesterone levels drawn on Saturday. So after I was pissed because I didn't hear anything on Monday, I called Tuesday for results. I had to leave the nurse a voicemail and she returned my call within 10 min. She said Breanna we are so happy with your results. You did ovulate on the new dose! Last month my numbers were 7.6. They want them to be atleast 14 or higher. So when I asked her what my numbers were this month she said Breanna, I am not sure. Our lab cuts off at 20 and it was greater than 20!!!

Thank you everyone! I love you all and thank you all so much for your kind comments, text messages and emails. They mean the world to me!


Courtney said...

congrats! that's amazing!!!!

Mommara said...

That is just wonderful! Yayy for great news.

Anonymous said...

Woot Woot lady!! Prayer does work!! Love you!!! SO SO SO happy for you!!!!!!!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

im so happy for you, this is great news and im praying for the absolute best!

KatiePerk said...

WAHOO!! That is wonderful news!!