Monday, February 8, 2010

The Weekend Recap..

I am sorry for not blogging over the weekend, but it was rather busy for me. So, I am going to catch up. I am going to post the pictures tomorrow from all my "treats" I have gotten over the last several days. I cannot tell you how much I have loved getting good old fashion snail mail. I love to open the mail box and find cards and letters in there!

Tonight when I got home I found my "V Day Swap" gift from my friend Kristi, if you haven't met her you should stop by and say hello! I will post the pictures tomorrow night of my goodies!

Also, my new best friend Rasha over at This Is What She Said ( has made me a blog button and a header! She is one adorable , sweet girl who I have become really good friends with. Thank you Rasha I love my new blogger and header!

And one last thing.....WHO DAT!!



{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Aww, I just love you. You're the sweet one.

Cant wait to see your goodies!

KatiePerk said...

Can't wait to see your goodies!! I will post my pics of my treats tonight!! Thank you!!!

Summer Athena said...

awesome!!! love it!