Sunday, October 31, 2010
I am still alive and well. Just tired. I am sorry its been so long since my last post and I going to try to do better, promise! The pregnancy has worn me out, but I am going to try to do better and start posting again. I am going to be doing a post tomorrow when I get home. So thank you all for sticking around- I love you all!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Five Question Five
I found this cute little questionnaire at my RL friend Emmie's ( So join if you would like to play along!
1. Do you have any nicknames and if so how did it come about?
Well my name is Breanna. I am sure there are many ways you can shorten it. I am usually called Bre or B ( because my husband usually calls everyone in my family by their first name =) )
2. What is your birth order amongst your siblings?
I am the oldest at 26. I have a younger sister, Savanna who is 21.
3. 3. In a movie of your life, who would play your significant other?
Wow, what a hard question. I'm not sure. It would be someone sweet, thoughtful and very intelligent.
4. What is currently your favorite song?
She Won't Be Lonely Long by Clay Walker
5. Are you saving your money for anything right now? Big or small purchase?
Small purchase... 3 dresses from Motherhood Maternity. I think I may just go get them this weekend!

Five Question Friday
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Back to Myself
Wow, I am really sorry I took like a month long hiatus. It wasn't because I wanted was because I was doing good to make it to work and home with out passing out. I love being pregnant now, it was hard in the beginning. A sickness I will NEVER forget. Thank you for all being so loyal and hanging around, Oh how I have miss all of you.
It amazes me more and more when I have never met some of you in real life yet you are all so thoughtful. I get phone calls, emails, text messages and the cards. You see you learn you your friends are in times like that. When you feel like you just don't think you can make it much more and you get a text or call saying, Hey, I was just thinking of you, hope your feeling better or when you come home and check the mail and there are cards awaiting. Just a little note to let you know that you are being thought of. Thank you again. It just amazes me at the kindness you receive from "almost" total strangers. I consider you all very special friends. Thank you for thinking of me.....
Now to lighten the mood...Wow, I have my life back so it seems. I feel better and have a little more energy, Thank you Jesus! I am going to be 15 weeks on Friday. I hope to find out what we are having Friday afternoon ( 2 attempt =) ).
Just out of curiosity what do you guys think Boy or Girl? =).
I am back and myself again and I am here to read all of you blogs- Love you Ladies!!
It amazes me more and more when I have never met some of you in real life yet you are all so thoughtful. I get phone calls, emails, text messages and the cards. You see you learn you your friends are in times like that. When you feel like you just don't think you can make it much more and you get a text or call saying, Hey, I was just thinking of you, hope your feeling better or when you come home and check the mail and there are cards awaiting. Just a little note to let you know that you are being thought of. Thank you again. It just amazes me at the kindness you receive from "almost" total strangers. I consider you all very special friends. Thank you for thinking of me.....
Now to lighten the mood...Wow, I have my life back so it seems. I feel better and have a little more energy, Thank you Jesus! I am going to be 15 weeks on Friday. I hope to find out what we are having Friday afternoon ( 2 attempt =) ).
Just out of curiosity what do you guys think Boy or Girl? =).
I am back and myself again and I am here to read all of you blogs- Love you Ladies!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Still here and ....alive =)
Hello there sweet lovely ladies. I am sorry I haven't been around much. Morning sickness ( aka "all day sickness") has really been wearing me down. I do good to make it to work and home. Home to hop in my bed. I feel like I have so much to share, but not sure where to start.
I am now a little over 11 weeks. We have been going through baby names, and trying to guess girl or boy. We may find out on the 15th when I go back to the doctor.
I hope that all of you ladies having been doing well, don't worry I have been reading your blogs trying to keep up.
I am now a little over 11 weeks. We have been going through baby names, and trying to guess girl or boy. We may find out on the 15th when I go back to the doctor.
I hope that all of you ladies having been doing well, don't worry I have been reading your blogs trying to keep up.
Monday, June 21, 2010
$125 bucks Later...
So yesterday the sweet hubby and I went to see his Dad and to see my Dad. Well on the way home the hubby hits a MASSIVE pothole. Of course the unthinkable happens. The tire burst and the it bent the rim. So it the massive heat the hubby tried to put the spare on, and of course the spare is almost flat. At this point I am thinking- Really it's hotter than 2 rats screwing in a wool sock and we have another flat-Are you kidding me! Well we make it to our friends where the hubby aired the spare and we came home. So today I am trying to find who can fix the rim. They tell me they can repair the whole thing for $125. Ouch!
So the hubby was so sweet the entire time. Knowing I am hot, pregnant, tired and miserable he just smiles and does his best to fix it all and make everything go smoothly. I love that man.....he is more than good to me.
So the hubby was so sweet the entire time. Knowing I am hot, pregnant, tired and miserable he just smiles and does his best to fix it all and make everything go smoothly. I love that man.....he is more than good to me.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Am Back With So Much To Talk About
First off, the hubby and I are finally in the house. Though everything isn't exactly where it should be I am working on it. It's such a cute house and we are so in love with it. I am not in love with the huge yard that will soon have to be cut(in this sweltering heat and 80% humidity). I am going to start posting pictures. We plan on doing a few things so I will do some before and after pics. I am going to need input from all of you. I know you all have great taste and can help.
Secondly, I am happy and excited to announce that I am pregnant! I found out on June 3rd. As of today I am 8 weeks pregnant and feeling it. The nausea has been around for a while and it's rough, but I know that it is all for a good reason. The hubby and I couldn't be more excited! Everyone is asking,"Do you want a boy or girl?". I just want a healthy baby, but if I am asked to specify what gender I am hoping for a little girl( and of course the hubby would love a little boy). But as I said all I pray is that all goes well and that its a healthy little baby ! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, emails and prayers our way! We are forever thankful!
Love, B
Secondly, I am happy and excited to announce that I am pregnant! I found out on June 3rd. As of today I am 8 weeks pregnant and feeling it. The nausea has been around for a while and it's rough, but I know that it is all for a good reason. The hubby and I couldn't be more excited! Everyone is asking,"Do you want a boy or girl?". I just want a healthy baby, but if I am asked to specify what gender I am hoping for a little girl( and of course the hubby would love a little boy). But as I said all I pray is that all goes well and that its a healthy little baby ! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, emails and prayers our way! We are forever thankful!
Love, B
Monday, May 31, 2010
What would you LOVE to do with a new place?
Hello Everyone!
Breanna is really busy unpacking and getting settled into her new house!

But she wanted to let all her lovely readers know that she hasn't disappeared, and will be back with updates about her new fabulous house.
In the meantime,
tell me something you would LOVE to do if you got a new place...
It can be that you get to redecorate, or organize, or start fresh,
What would you do with a new place??
new place
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We Close On The House-Thurs!!
I am so surprised I still have followers. After my little blogging hiatus. For real, I am sorry. It seems like I having been running in circles. We are closing on the new house on Thursday, yes just 2 days! So I have been packing like crazy and getting things ready to move. Not to mention the stress of buying a house. I mean really? Its been the most traumatic thing I have done. Just a lot to do and papers to have, which when you are living out of boxes isn't easy.
I am hoping that this stress will go away soon. Thank you for sticking around. I will be posting pictures of the house and the new stuff we will be doing to it. I would love your inputs! Thank you for being such sweet friends- I love you all!
Love- B
I am hoping that this stress will go away soon. Thank you for sticking around. I will be posting pictures of the house and the new stuff we will be doing to it. I would love your inputs! Thank you for being such sweet friends- I love you all!
Love- B
Monday, May 3, 2010
A New Blogger!
Wow, this was a long time ago(we had been washing our cars all day =) ). Let me just start off by saying that this is one of my very best friends Alicia. She created a blog today so hop on over and show her some blog love.
She is a doll. I have known her for 10 years now. She has been there for me since the 9th grade. We have remained friends through the years, shared many ups and downs and she is definitely the definition of a true friend. She will also soon be my neighbor as well !
I <3 you Leash!
Love, B
Best Friends,
blog friends
Sunday, May 2, 2010
We're Moving!
Thank you for all sticking around and staying loyal. You are all jewels!
Also, May 7th is another big day for the hubby and I. I have just gone through the 3rd round of Clomid. I am hoping this is the one. I am trying so hard to be patient, but I am getting tired. I am not losing hope though. I am keeping my head up and I am staying strong.
I hope all you lovely ladies had a wonderful weekend! I am back for good or at least until we move, but I still won't be gone long =)
Love, B
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I Want To Shop!

I want to shop for my new house. I want to buy paint, home decor, new pots and pans, a Kitchen Aid mixer...... and the list goes on and on.
So while I am trying to be a good girl today- I won't go shopping. I will surpass the urge!
I hope all of you sweet girls have had a great Thursday, be happy tomorrow is FRIDAY!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
When It Seems To Be Too Good........It Usually Is.
I sit down to write this post and I am at lost for words, not sure how or where to begin. I was on cloud nine this week from the wonderful news that I got on Tuesday. That is until yesterday morning when I awoke feeling like hell. (Sorry, but this post is about to get personal). I had started my cycle.
Each month I take a hormone to make me have a period and then this month it just happens by itself and at the wrong damn time. I guess holding on to the hope that just maybe I might be pregnant was then shattered.
Tomorrow I will start the fertility medicine again for the 3rd time. I HATE that stuff and it is the absolute worst feeling ever.
So here is to another month and another try. My hope is fading and it's so hard to stay positive. I am just going to put a smile on my face and focus on the new house and try to keep my mind off of it. It does no good to sit and worry it just makes my dream seem like it's just so far away.
Each month I take a hormone to make me have a period and then this month it just happens by itself and at the wrong damn time. I guess holding on to the hope that just maybe I might be pregnant was then shattered.
Tomorrow I will start the fertility medicine again for the 3rd time. I HATE that stuff and it is the absolute worst feeling ever.
So here is to another month and another try. My hope is fading and it's so hard to stay positive. I am just going to put a smile on my face and focus on the new house and try to keep my mind off of it. It does no good to sit and worry it just makes my dream seem like it's just so far away.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I am still in total shock. I had my progesterone levels drawn on Saturday. So after I was pissed because I didn't hear anything on Monday, I called Tuesday for results. I had to leave the nurse a voicemail and she returned my call within 10 min. She said Breanna we are so happy with your results. You did ovulate on the new dose! Last month my numbers were 7.6. They want them to be atleast 14 or higher. So when I asked her what my numbers were this month she said Breanna, I am not sure. Our lab cuts off at 20 and it was greater than 20!!!
Thank you everyone! I love you all and thank you all so much for your kind comments, text messages and emails. They mean the world to me!
Thank you everyone! I love you all and thank you all so much for your kind comments, text messages and emails. They mean the world to me!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday's Just Suck
Ok, I really hate Monday's. It's been one of those days. My hopes were high and I was waiting to hear if the Clomid worked this month. I wouldn't know because they didn't call. That's right. Not a phone call. So that just really bummed me out. And with the way these hormones are raging it makes me want to call them and say, "Thanks for not doing your job." It's really important to me that I know what's going on, it may not affect you, but it does me" "So do your job and call me my results"
Ok, I am done ranting. I hope tomorrow is better. I do not want another day like today,please.
Love, B
Ok, I am done ranting. I hope tomorrow is better. I do not want another day like today,please.
Love, B
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dear Blog
Dear Blog,
I am sorry I have been MIA the last week. My life has been chaotic. We moved out of our apartment and are now looking for a house before April 30th. Soon right? We know. So in the middle of all of that I am trying to get my stuff that was stolen from my luggage. I am sorry that you and all my sweet blogger friends may feel neglected, I am trying to juggle everything and I am doing a shitty job. I'm sorry. I still love you all!
Love, B
I am sorry I have been MIA the last week. My life has been chaotic. We moved out of our apartment and are now looking for a house before April 30th. Soon right? We know. So in the middle of all of that I am trying to get my stuff that was stolen from my luggage. I am sorry that you and all my sweet blogger friends may feel neglected, I am trying to juggle everything and I am doing a shitty job. I'm sorry. I still love you all!
Love, B
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My Award
My sweet friend Misty over at Southern Belle Mamma (
gave me this sweet award. I am very grateful that she chose to
pass this along to me.
Thank You Misty!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tomorrow Is Another Try..
I am a little nervous about tomorrow. I think it's actually more than nervous, its scared, hopeful, anxious and doubtful. Tomorrow is Day 3 of my cycle and that means that I will be starting the Clomid, yet again. I am not sure if any of you know, but that is some horrible stuff, ok?
It's bad when the Pharmacist says, "Ins't it a shame you have to pay for stuff that makes you feel bad? You would think they would make it to where it made you feel good."
I am hoping that I am not Mrs.Crabbypants, because it makes me feel sorry for the hubby.
I am going to try not to be so nervous tonight and get a little sleep. Yesterday was bad... really bad. It's been a really bad cycle, so maybe something good will come from it. I am just trying to stay positive and think happy thoughts, that has to count for something right?
Thank you all for your sweet emails, text and comments- It means the world!
It's bad when the Pharmacist says, "Ins't it a shame you have to pay for stuff that makes you feel bad? You would think they would make it to where it made you feel good."
I am hoping that I am not Mrs.Crabbypants, because it makes me feel sorry for the hubby.
I am going to try not to be so nervous tonight and get a little sleep. Yesterday was bad... really bad. It's been a really bad cycle, so maybe something good will come from it. I am just trying to stay positive and think happy thoughts, that has to count for something right?
Thank you all for your sweet emails, text and comments- It means the world!

Summer, Your a doll! I loved hanging out with you and dinner was great. I wish we could have hung out a little longer, but don't you worry I will definitely be coming back to see you! Oh, and I loved Oliver and Mr.Tabasco they were too cute. The apartment is so you and your unique touch will make it shine! Thank you for my coffee mug and stationary! I LOVE it!!
Love, B
Monday, March 15, 2010
I have been so very excited about this giveaway since I read it. I kept my daily entries and posting it to side bar, just hoping it would pay off...and it did!! I was so glad to win this very special giveaway from a very special lady! Thank you Rasha!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
One Special Friend...

This is a post about a very special girl. If you aren't sure of who she is, her name is Rasha and has become one of my very best friends. She is fun, caring, kind, creative and is a total jewel. I don't think one day has passed that she and I haven't spoken. She has been so very sweet to me, has been there when times were rough. If you aren't following her blog you should check it out at .
You know a true friend when you can talk for hours about nonsense and we do. She has been there to offer smiles, friendship and words of encouragement and for that I am glad to call her one of my very best friends.
Rasha, Thank you sweet girl! You are such an inspiration and such a great friend. Thank you for the smiles and laughter, you'll never know just how much our friendship means to me!
Love, b
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thank You!
A special thank you to all of you who commented and emailed me about my last post. I love you all and thank you for reassurance and knowing your all there for me means a lot.
I love snail mail and I also love to send snail mail. So if you would like to send me your address I would love to send you something! =) You can email it to me at
I went to my thyroid doctor today. Well just what I thought. My thyroid level was too low so now they changed up my medication just a little. So I am to see her again in 2 mths. I go tomorrow morning to have my progesterone level drawn. I am sure I won't know anything until Monday, since I won't be seeing the doctor.
So I am planning a good weekend. We're going to the park, getting a new digital camera and relaxing. Hope all of you have a good weekend!
PS-I <3 you all!
I love snail mail and I also love to send snail mail. So if you would like to send me your address I would love to send you something! =) You can email it to me at
I went to my thyroid doctor today. Well just what I thought. My thyroid level was too low so now they changed up my medication just a little. So I am to see her again in 2 mths. I go tomorrow morning to have my progesterone level drawn. I am sure I won't know anything until Monday, since I won't be seeing the doctor.
So I am planning a good weekend. We're going to the park, getting a new digital camera and relaxing. Hope all of you have a good weekend!
PS-I <3 you all!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What's Really Been Going On..
Ok, I have started and stopped this post like 3 times. I haven't been completely open, only because I didn't know if I should put it all into one blog. I have decided that one blog is enough. I feel that if people want to be friends and follow my blog they should know what's going on in my life. That was the purpose of the blog , to express myself and also a way for me to vent. I have met some really special people here in the blogging world who mean so very much to me. I get emails, text messages and sweet little letters from a few of my blogger friends and I have truly enjoyed it.
So I am going to share a little piece of my life with you all. If you don't want to read that's fine. If you do not have the time to read that is fine too, but I feel like my blog is therapy and its a relief for me so I am going to share.
The hubby and I have been together for almost 6 years and have been married for 2 years. A year and half ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (Hashimoto's disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland. The resulting inflammation often leads to an under active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). I will now take a pill every morning for the rest of my life to replace the hormones that my thyroid doesn't produce. I have never been the one to have to take medications, so it was a very hard thing for me to accept. I am fine with it now. It doesn't cause me any pain, just some annoying problems. This issue causes infertility. So for 2 years now we have tried on our own with no luck. So we decided to start fertility medications. It's not been fun, not at all. I never knew that trying to have a baby could be so hard? I started the Clomid again this month and have an empty feeling. I don't feel pregnant, although what does it feel like to be pregnant? This medicine has been hell. I am not sure of any other way to put it. I am so surprised that my sweet husband has not had divorce papers stuck on the refrigerator waiting for me when I get home. The mood swings are BAD, I am nauseated 24/7 and I feel like my hips have been crushed. I am not asking for sympathy. I am just being real.
I am trying to be optimistic, but that is so very hard to do when you feel bad. I get up and just pray that I will make it through the day so I can come home and just lay down. I sit here and think I am just in the beginning of all of this. I have seen what women like Summer at B is for Brown have gone through and I am amazed. She has been such a trooper. She has been an inspiration to me, told me what to expect and has given me hope when I know that sometimes she has lost it. I just pray each night that God with give me the strength to go through this. I would say I am a pretty strong person and I am the one you always see with a smile on my face, but lately that smile hasn't been there. I don't say much about "possibly" being pregnant around the hubby, only because I do not want him to get his hopes up. I do not know how he has managed to deal with me and the lovely hormones, but he deserves an award. Its bad when you can't stand to be around yourself, much less him having to put up with it...
I go to see my Endocrinologist ( Thyroid MD) on Friday and Saturday morning I go to my Ob/Gyn and have my levels drawn to see if I ovulated this month on the fertility drug. If in fact I did ,I am told that between 10-14 days I can test to see if I am pregnant. I am going to take it one day at a time. So if I miss a day or two posting you'll understand.
Thank you all for the sweet cards, text and emails it means so very much to me! I love you all!
So I am going to share a little piece of my life with you all. If you don't want to read that's fine. If you do not have the time to read that is fine too, but I feel like my blog is therapy and its a relief for me so I am going to share.
The hubby and I have been together for almost 6 years and have been married for 2 years. A year and half ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (Hashimoto's disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland. The resulting inflammation often leads to an under active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). I will now take a pill every morning for the rest of my life to replace the hormones that my thyroid doesn't produce. I have never been the one to have to take medications, so it was a very hard thing for me to accept. I am fine with it now. It doesn't cause me any pain, just some annoying problems. This issue causes infertility. So for 2 years now we have tried on our own with no luck. So we decided to start fertility medications. It's not been fun, not at all. I never knew that trying to have a baby could be so hard? I started the Clomid again this month and have an empty feeling. I don't feel pregnant, although what does it feel like to be pregnant? This medicine has been hell. I am not sure of any other way to put it. I am so surprised that my sweet husband has not had divorce papers stuck on the refrigerator waiting for me when I get home. The mood swings are BAD, I am nauseated 24/7 and I feel like my hips have been crushed. I am not asking for sympathy. I am just being real.
I am trying to be optimistic, but that is so very hard to do when you feel bad. I get up and just pray that I will make it through the day so I can come home and just lay down. I sit here and think I am just in the beginning of all of this. I have seen what women like Summer at B is for Brown have gone through and I am amazed. She has been such a trooper. She has been an inspiration to me, told me what to expect and has given me hope when I know that sometimes she has lost it. I just pray each night that God with give me the strength to go through this. I would say I am a pretty strong person and I am the one you always see with a smile on my face, but lately that smile hasn't been there. I don't say much about "possibly" being pregnant around the hubby, only because I do not want him to get his hopes up. I do not know how he has managed to deal with me and the lovely hormones, but he deserves an award. Its bad when you can't stand to be around yourself, much less him having to put up with it...
I go to see my Endocrinologist ( Thyroid MD) on Friday and Saturday morning I go to my Ob/Gyn and have my levels drawn to see if I ovulated this month on the fertility drug. If in fact I did ,I am told that between 10-14 days I can test to see if I am pregnant. I am going to take it one day at a time. So if I miss a day or two posting you'll understand.
Thank you all for the sweet cards, text and emails it means so very much to me! I love you all!
I just want to start of by saying I am sorry that I haven't posted the winners of the Lip Balm giveaway. I need to be punished. I was supposed to post the winners this weekend and with all thats been going on (I will make another post to discuss it (that sounds serious)). Thank you to all my sweet girls that entered!!
1. Rasha at "And this is what she said"
2.Misty at "Southern Belle Momma"
3.Ra at "Momma Ra"
Just email me ( your address and I will be shipping them later this week. Congrats!!
1. Rasha at "And this is what she said"
2.Misty at "Southern Belle Momma"
3.Ra at "Momma Ra"
Just email me ( your address and I will be shipping them later this week. Congrats!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Another Weekend Gone...
I hope that everyone had a great weekend. We sure did! One f my really good friends and her hubby surprised us on Wednesday and drove down from Indiana. So I was glad to see them and proudly say.."Black and Gold WON the Super Bowl" . Yeah, you guessed it they are HUGE colt fans. So i had to rub it in a little. So we spent some time with them while they are down.It was good to see them, just hate they are fixing to leave for Indiana again.
Then the hubby and I just hung out together the rest of the weekend. We have had alot going on (I will explain in my next post) and just needed some us time. So it was a nice weekend with beautiful weather. Just sad its over again. I always hate to see Monday's coming. I always have "A Case Of The Mondays"... Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!
P.S.- Summer, I love you and I am here for you dear.
P.S.S- Rasha, I hope you feel better soon! I am thinking of you!!
Then the hubby and I just hung out together the rest of the weekend. We have had alot going on (I will explain in my next post) and just needed some us time. So it was a nice weekend with beautiful weather. Just sad its over again. I always hate to see Monday's coming. I always have "A Case Of The Mondays"... Hope you all have a great day tomorrow!
P.S.- Summer, I love you and I am here for you dear.
P.S.S- Rasha, I hope you feel better soon! I am thinking of you!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hurry and enter my giveaway, it ends at midnight!!! I will post the winner this weekend!!
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My First Giveaway!!!!

The giveaway ends Friday, February 26th at midnight!
I will be giving away 3 Lip Balms! So 3 lucky ladies can win!!
* PS- I am sorry for being a bad blogger lately, my has been busy!! I am back and with a giveaway!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thinking of You Dear Summer and the Little Brownies

Summer, we all love you and wish you ( and the little brownies) lots of love, peace, hope and happiness. You are all in our thoughts and prayers love!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Answers To The Questions =)
Thank you girls for checking on my little sister. She is doing better, she may get to come home tomorrow.
The Answers:
My new best friend =) Rasha asks:
1. How did you know that you wanted to marry your husband?
We had dated for almost 3 years and as lame as this sounds you just know. When you think of how you want to spend the rest of your life and they're in it, you just know.
2.Am I your best friend?
Yes hunny you are my newest best friend! I just love ya!
My Valentine Swap buddy KatieSPerk asks:
1. If you won the lottery jackpot, what is the first thing you would like to buy?
I would first give a portion to St.Jude's Hospital. My heart breaks for those sweet kids who want a fighting chance, but their parents cannot afford it. Secondly, I want one of these one day.., I think its only like 114 k for the stock model,lol. Then my last would be to take all of my best friends and myself shopping , buy all the shoes, purses and clothes we want. Before I did that I would have there closet transformed to look like Mariah Carey's. Home chick has a kick ass closet.
2. What is your dream job ( if money were no option)?
To open my own art studio. I love to paint. I have done mostly oil on canvas, but I have fallen in love with acrylic.
My sweet friend Summer(i heart you to chicky ;) ) ask:
1. How are you holding up?
Well I am ok now. I have lost almost 38 lbs and I feel better. I just wish that they could get things straightened out with my thyroid. Thank you for checking on me ;)
My new friend Kristi ( she got my name for the V Day Swap) ask:
1. How did you and your husband meet?
Through some friends of ours.
2. What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
I love going to book stores, shopping, or watching football. We grill a lot too.
3.What is your favorite restaurant?
Fast food probably Foosackly's ( can't fake the foo!), sit down restaurant Zea's or Longhorn.
My halarious friend Tiffany ask:
1. What is your definition of a Southern Belle?
A beautiful and classy woman who is from the Southern part of the United State.=)
The Answers:
My new best friend =) Rasha asks:
1. How did you know that you wanted to marry your husband?
We had dated for almost 3 years and as lame as this sounds you just know. When you think of how you want to spend the rest of your life and they're in it, you just know.
2.Am I your best friend?
Yes hunny you are my newest best friend! I just love ya!
My Valentine Swap buddy KatieSPerk asks:
1. If you won the lottery jackpot, what is the first thing you would like to buy?
I would first give a portion to St.Jude's Hospital. My heart breaks for those sweet kids who want a fighting chance, but their parents cannot afford it. Secondly, I want one of these one day.., I think its only like 114 k for the stock model,lol. Then my last would be to take all of my best friends and myself shopping , buy all the shoes, purses and clothes we want. Before I did that I would have there closet transformed to look like Mariah Carey's. Home chick has a kick ass closet.
2. What is your dream job ( if money were no option)?
To open my own art studio. I love to paint. I have done mostly oil on canvas, but I have fallen in love with acrylic.
My sweet friend Summer(i heart you to chicky ;) ) ask:
1. How are you holding up?
Well I am ok now. I have lost almost 38 lbs and I feel better. I just wish that they could get things straightened out with my thyroid. Thank you for checking on me ;)
My new friend Kristi ( she got my name for the V Day Swap) ask:
1. How did you and your husband meet?
Through some friends of ours.
2. What do you enjoy doing on the weekends?
I love going to book stores, shopping, or watching football. We grill a lot too.
3.What is your favorite restaurant?
Fast food probably Foosackly's ( can't fake the foo!), sit down restaurant Zea's or Longhorn.
My halarious friend Tiffany ask:
1. What is your definition of a Southern Belle?
A beautiful and classy woman who is from the Southern part of the United State.=)
I had a lot of fun answering the questions. Thank you my lovelies!!
xoxo breanna
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It's Time To Ask Me Questions?
I am sorry I promised you guys pictures tonight. I just got home not to long ago. My little sis had to be admitted to the hospital for severe colitis =(. So since I work in the hospital, I had to help get her taken care of. I hope she feels better soon!
Ok, so now I am opening up to you guys. You may ask me up to 3 questions that you would like to know. I will post the questions and answers tomorrow night! Hope you all have a wonderful night! =)
xo breanna
Ok, so now I am opening up to you guys. You may ask me up to 3 questions that you would like to know. I will post the questions and answers tomorrow night! Hope you all have a wonderful night! =)
xo breanna
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Weekend Recap..
I am sorry for not blogging over the weekend, but it was rather busy for me. So, I am going to catch up. I am going to post the pictures tomorrow from all my "treats" I have gotten over the last several days. I cannot tell you how much I have loved getting good old fashion snail mail. I love to open the mail box and find cards and letters in there!
Tonight when I got home I found my "V Day Swap" gift from my friend Kristi, if you haven't met her you should stop by and say hello! I will post the pictures tomorrow night of my goodies!
Also, my new best friend Rasha over at This Is What She Said ( has made me a blog button and a header! She is one adorable , sweet girl who I have become really good friends with. Thank you Rasha I love my new blogger and header!
And one last thing.....WHO DAT!!
Tonight when I got home I found my "V Day Swap" gift from my friend Kristi, if you haven't met her you should stop by and say hello! I will post the pictures tomorrow night of my goodies!
Also, my new best friend Rasha over at This Is What She Said ( has made me a blog button and a header! She is one adorable , sweet girl who I have become really good friends with. Thank you Rasha I love my new blogger and header!
And one last thing.....WHO DAT!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Look What I Got!

I received this award the other day from my sweet friend "KS" as most of you know! I was so excited to have gotten this at her " Award Ceremony" .
First off I want to Thank all you ladies out there who made this award possible. Without you guys I would have no one to read my blog. Thank you my first blog friend, Summer, she has helped me with many blog questions and become a really great friend (thank you for being my very good friends, your words of encouragement and advice mean so much), and also to Rasha, who has also been one of the sweetest people I have ever met and has also given me some blogging tips! You both Rock! Also, to Kristin who was so kind to pass this award on to me, it means so much and I love you all!
Ok, sorry I know that was lame. I am going off a few hours of sleep and I am getting delirious. Maybe after that I should consider going to!=)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
All These Giveaways!
Please check out all of the giveaways!! There are so many going on right now! Most are on my side bar, but here is a new one I just found out about!
It's an adorable blog and cute giveaway!!
It's an adorable blog and cute giveaway!!
I'm Back My Sweet Friends
I wanted to start off by saying a little Thank You to all of you who have text, emailed, comments and sent cards. You just do know know how much it has meant to me! It was comforting to know you lovely chicky's were thinking about me! =)
So, I am doing so much better! I am sorry I was gone for a bit, but I felt that I needed to gather myself and my thoughts. I read all of your blogs while I was away!
Tomorrow is the day ladies!! If you are participating in the V Day Swap over at B is for Brown, your package's need to be mailed tomorrow. I cannot wait! My swap partner still doesn't know who has her name, I am not going to tell! It's a secret! But... the lovely blogger that has my name sent me an email the day we received our partners names! I thought that it was sooo funny! She and I have a lot in common and she even lives in the same city as me! =) She is so sweet and I can't wait to open my present!
I am also so excited about this weekend...SUPER BOWL baby! GEAUX SAINTS!!!
Thank you girls for all you have done, I <3 you all!
So, I am doing so much better! I am sorry I was gone for a bit, but I felt that I needed to gather myself and my thoughts. I read all of your blogs while I was away!
Tomorrow is the day ladies!! If you are participating in the V Day Swap over at B is for Brown, your package's need to be mailed tomorrow. I cannot wait! My swap partner still doesn't know who has her name, I am not going to tell! It's a secret! But... the lovely blogger that has my name sent me an email the day we received our partners names! I thought that it was sooo funny! She and I have a lot in common and she even lives in the same city as me! =) She is so sweet and I can't wait to open my present!
I am also so excited about this weekend...SUPER BOWL baby! GEAUX SAINTS!!!
Thank you girls for all you have done, I <3 you all!
Super Bowl
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Emotional Disaster..

xoxo breanna
Monday, January 25, 2010
Oh So Stressed..

This is me right now. I am a "worrier". I stress myself out about everything. Even the small things that I have no control over. I am a happy and talkative person, but when my mind is "over loaded", I tend to be a little kept to myself. I think maybe because I am going over oh about 5,897,732 things. So lately at work everyone is asking, "Are you ok?" and of course my reply is always, "Yes, just have a lot on my mind". Which is the truth, but I am not going to give an in depth detail of why I am stressed out. When really they want to know why am I not smiling like I always am?
So today I am trying to sort all of these things out. Trying to get my mind in some kind of order. Which when tomorrow comes will not matter, because I will be worrying about something else. Be it big or small , I'll be worrying. "A" ( the hubby) worries about NOTHING. For Instance: If I were to walk in and say "Honey, we are broke, we are about to be homeless, our car caught on fire, and I lost my job" and I can tell you what his response would be. "Well it will all be ok, we will figure it out " and he would not stress out about it. Me on the other hand would have a sudden cardiac death. It would be an "OV situation" (OV as in o-v-e-r) as I say.
So, before I wrote this little blog entry I sat down and wrote a list out of things that I am worrying about at the very moment( none of them do I have any control), but I am going to work on them one day at a time.
Do any of you worry about everything like me or do you just let it all roll off your back?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Glad The Weekend Is Here!
I do not know how to express how happy that I am that today is Friday and we are now beginining the weekend. I have a few plans for the weekend, but other than that I am going to relax! I plan on relaxing tomorrow and the hubby and I are having a date night tomorrow night. I am going to also shop for my V day swap pal! Then Sunday the New Orleans Saints play! GEAUX SAINTS!!!
I am also going to have to look for a new digital camera this weekend. I noticed today that it was in my purse when it was stolen. =( That bummed me out. So.. I need some suggestions on a digital camera. If you ladies know of a good one let me know. I have to get one soon, beacuse guess what..... I leave for New York in 52 days!!!!
I am also going to have to look for a new digital camera this weekend. I noticed today that it was in my purse when it was stolen. =( That bummed me out. So.. I need some suggestions on a digital camera. If you ladies know of a good one let me know. I have to get one soon, beacuse guess what..... I leave for New York in 52 days!!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Mindless Monday ..
I hope all you ladies had a great weekend. I had plans to do a few things and well of course the rain ruined that for me. Maybe next weekend will be pretty so I can catch up. I got a new Jessica Simpson purse yesterday that I LOVE !! It is so fabulous. I <3 her shoes and purses! Other than that we (the sweet hubby and I) just hung out.
The hubby, who's name is Allen(but my fam calls him "A"), decided that we are going to move to a bigger apartment. At least until I finish school and then we will look to either build or buy a home. I just really do not have the time to take care of a yard and everything. I need simple! So we are looking around for a new place. Wish us luck with that..
So, how about I only have 56 days, until I step on the plane for NYC!!! YAHHHH!
The hubby, who's name is Allen(but my fam calls him "A"), decided that we are going to move to a bigger apartment. At least until I finish school and then we will look to either build or buy a home. I just really do not have the time to take care of a yard and everything. I need simple! So we are looking around for a new place. Wish us luck with that..
So, how about I only have 56 days, until I step on the plane for NYC!!! YAHHHH!
Mindless Monday
Saturday, January 16, 2010

So I have been a little bummed since my little mishap Wednesday night. It's like I can't get a freakin' break. So I am trying to get happy again. I am trying to put it all behind me and just start over.
Ever had day's or week'd like that...I am sure ya have?
Check It Out!

So sweet friend Summer over at is holding a V Day swap. If you haven't checked out her blog, you should! You don't know what your missing!Check out Summer's blog for the rules and how to enter!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I Was Violated Tonight
I am sorry girls, tonight's post is not a happy one. My husband was working on 2 computers for a friend of my parents. We went to take them back to her tonight and in the 30 minutes we were there someone stole my purse out of my car.
We called the cops and the sweet officer came and took prints and got all of my information. There is a park beside the lady's house and she said that people sit in the park and watch for people and break in there cars and dump the other stuff. She lives in a nice neighborhood that you would think things like this would not happen.
She walked to see if she saw anyone at the park and saw my purse on the picnic table. It was a leather purse and they tore it to shreds. They stole my wallet with all of my information ( ss card, drivers license, 2 debit cards, 2 gift cards worth about $100, and $50 something dollars), my 2 checkbooks, my old cellphone, my watch, my hospital badge, a necklace, my thyroid medication. They ripped the straps on my purse and dumped out the change, my makeup, and my calendar. I was so upset at first and then I became ANGRY!
I have never stolen anything from anyone and to know that people can do it with no remorse makes me so mad. I hope that they really needed it. They are going to be disappointed if they take the medication it won't make them feel good. I was upset and called my mom. She told me that it could all be replaced, but that I should be thankful that I wasn't hurt. Now that I think about it I am lucky. Lucky that the creep that was sitting in the park watching me didn't hurt me. For that I am thankful, its just going to be a real pain going to get everything replaced.
Ladies be careful. Lock your doors. Watch your surroundings. This could happen to anyone. Just be safe and take precaution.
I hope you all have a great night....
xoxo breanna
We called the cops and the sweet officer came and took prints and got all of my information. There is a park beside the lady's house and she said that people sit in the park and watch for people and break in there cars and dump the other stuff. She lives in a nice neighborhood that you would think things like this would not happen.
She walked to see if she saw anyone at the park and saw my purse on the picnic table. It was a leather purse and they tore it to shreds. They stole my wallet with all of my information ( ss card, drivers license, 2 debit cards, 2 gift cards worth about $100, and $50 something dollars), my 2 checkbooks, my old cellphone, my watch, my hospital badge, a necklace, my thyroid medication. They ripped the straps on my purse and dumped out the change, my makeup, and my calendar. I was so upset at first and then I became ANGRY!
I have never stolen anything from anyone and to know that people can do it with no remorse makes me so mad. I hope that they really needed it. They are going to be disappointed if they take the medication it won't make them feel good. I was upset and called my mom. She told me that it could all be replaced, but that I should be thankful that I wasn't hurt. Now that I think about it I am lucky. Lucky that the creep that was sitting in the park watching me didn't hurt me. For that I am thankful, its just going to be a real pain going to get everything replaced.
Ladies be careful. Lock your doors. Watch your surroundings. This could happen to anyone. Just be safe and take precaution.
I hope you all have a great night....
xoxo breanna
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I Won My First Giveaway!

So tonight I logged on to see what all my girls are up to. A little to my surprise I saw that I had won a giveaway! My rockin' southern pal Kora over at is having a giveaway . If you haven't checked her blog out , you are truly missing an awesome blog and sweet chick!
So hop on over and say hello and enter her giveaway!
P.S. I will let you all know how the King Cake turns out!
First Giveway win
Monday, January 11, 2010
The 20-20 Post
So one of my blog friends did a post called "The 20-20 Post" where you post 20 things that you love and 20 things that you hate. It can be really funny when you see what some people love and what they hate. I laughed so hard because some of the answers were kinda commical. So here it goes..(Feel free to copy the post and do it on your blog if ya want)
20 Loves
1. Dill Pickles
2. Starbucks
3. Lipgloss
4. John Mayer
5. Brittney Spears ( sad I know)
6. My Blackberry
7.Chineese Food
8. Smell of suntan lotion
9. SEC Football
10.Coke Zero
11. Jessica Simpson Purses and shoes and sunglasses
12.Smart Water
15.All of my VS lounge pants
16.Will Ferrell
17. The movie Home Alone
18.Polka Dots
19.Vera Bradley stuff
20 Hates
1. when people smack their food
3. Ginger Ale
4.the smell of cabbage
5.Cottage cheese
6.Auburn Tigers =)
7.Being cold
9. Beets and Yams
12.Taking Synthroid for the rest of my freaking life
15.Dark Chocolate
16.When people think they are "better" than others
17.Ice Cream
18.the color orange
19. I HATE Grape flavored anything
20.Bread and Butter Pickles ( what were they thinking?)
List you 20 Loves/20 hates.. I can wait to see what you guys wrote on your blog post.
xoxo breanna
20 Loves
1. Dill Pickles
2. Starbucks
3. Lipgloss
4. John Mayer
5. Brittney Spears ( sad I know)
6. My Blackberry
7.Chineese Food
8. Smell of suntan lotion
9. SEC Football
10.Coke Zero
11. Jessica Simpson Purses and shoes and sunglasses
12.Smart Water
15.All of my VS lounge pants
16.Will Ferrell
17. The movie Home Alone
18.Polka Dots
19.Vera Bradley stuff
20 Hates
1. when people smack their food
3. Ginger Ale
4.the smell of cabbage
5.Cottage cheese
6.Auburn Tigers =)
7.Being cold
9. Beets and Yams
12.Taking Synthroid for the rest of my freaking life
15.Dark Chocolate
16.When people think they are "better" than others
17.Ice Cream
18.the color orange
19. I HATE Grape flavored anything
20.Bread and Butter Pickles ( what were they thinking?)
List you 20 Loves/20 hates.. I can wait to see what you guys wrote on your blog post.
xoxo breanna
20/20 post
Friday, January 8, 2010
Blog's I Should Know About
So it's been about 4 months since I started my blog. So, if you sweet girls do not mind tell me some blogs I should check out. I would appreciate it. I have found a few I just love so , if ya know of any I would love to check them out!
I hope all of you had a great Friday. I am so very glad that it's the weekend! This week has been a disaster and I am glad that it is over! Hope you girls have a great weekend..until tomorrow..have a good night! =)
I hope all of you had a great Friday. I am so very glad that it's the weekend! This week has been a disaster and I am glad that it is over! Hope you girls have a great weekend..until tomorrow..have a good night! =)
Blogs to read
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
To My Blogger Friends
I started this blog as a way to express myself, to write about things I enjoy and a way to get things off my mind. I am not sure about any of you , but I manage to write better than I speak sometimes. =) I have been blogging for about 3 months now and never would I ever imagine it turning out the way that it has. I have truly met some really sweet people. Some I am sure I never would have met if I had not started blogging. It's been a real treat for me to have met you ladies. Thank you for being great bloggers and giving me stuff to read =). I have had so many laughs and I look forward to many more.
So thank you to all my blogger friends- I <3 you all!
So thank you to all my blogger friends- I <3 you all!
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 ~ This Year's Goals...

So it's officially 2010. I have some New Year's resolutions that I will keep (Can you see the determination=) ). I am not sure what happened to the one's I made for 2009. This was somewhat of a awkward year and all I can say is bring on 2010. I have so many things planned and I hope you all accomplish your goals you have set!! =)
Here are my goals that I will accomplish:
- Stop procrastinating
- Exercise more - I plan to work out at least 3-4 times a week.
- Lose 30 more pounds!- I am 30 down and hope to lose 30 more.
- Take more pictures- I am not sure why I didn't take more pic's this year?
- Learn to save a little more- I hate saving, I am an impulse shopper.
- I hope to improve my math skills- I absolutely HATE Algebra, so I am going to work on it.
- Eat more veggie's- at least one or more a day.
- Stop being OCD about everything- I am so particular about things, I am very organized and as bad as I hate to admit this on here (kept it a secret as long as I could), my OCD needs to stop! I check the door's when I leave 2-3 times, I check my purse for my keys 2-3 times, I count stuff ( going down stairs, sometimes how many times I chew, I know its sad ,lol)
- Try not to be so self conscious- I shouldn't care what others think of me.
- Start playing tennis again!- I love it. Not sure why I stopped ?..
Thank you for all the friendships I have made. If any of you ladies know of some blogs I should start following let me know, I love to meet new people! =)
new years goals
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